Thursday 27 October 2011

Get online week

Get online week runs from Monday the 31st of October ‘till Sunday the 6th of November, this time encouraging us all to “Give an hour” and to steal a quote directly from “Could you give an hour of your time to help someone get online?” This is being run in conjunction with the BBC, uk Online centres and Race Online 2012 and is being widely discussed on Breakfast news.

Paddock Community Campus is supporting this with our drop-ins at Paddock Village Hall and the D shop in Dewsbury. Paddock is Thursday morning, 9.30 till 12.30 and Friday 9.30 till 15.30 and the D shop is Tuesday and Wednesday 10.00 till 15.00 where we can help you to get online, search the Internet and learn new skills!

If you are interested please call or drop in and there may be cake!

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Union donation

GMB Union donated 6 laptops for the D-Shop (Dewsbury)

The GMB Union kindly donated 6 laptops to promote adult digital inclusion at the D-Shop in Dewsbury. The laptops were donated through the GMB’s Learning and Organising Together Project, which encourages people back into learning, to gain new skills and qualification.

Extended opening hours to give you more opportunity to “Get Online” during the UK Online Get Online Week at the D-Shop (Dewsbury) 31 October-4 November

Come along and try some of the “Go on” courses to learn more about using a computer and the Internet.

Closer to people, places and potential

Community Outreach and IT Buddies work

I.T. Buddies are travelling throughout Kirklees to bring people, communities and technology closer together. We'll be providing access to the "Go on" range of online courses for those who wish to learn the basics, which should provide all you need to know to start bringing the online world into yours. For those who already have some experience of technology we'll be hoping to answer your questions about your own computer, email, phone or whatever it is that is presently puzzling you. We're working with adults of all ages, each with their own unique life experiences and hopes for technology, why don't you join us and see if we can help you get closer to people, places and potential.

You can find us:

  • at Spring Valley Community Centre in Liversedge every Tuesday 12.00-5.00pm
  • at The D Shop in the centre of Dewsbury every Wednesday 10am-3pm
  • Thursday is our touring day, we will be touring Kirklees and visiting libraries, village halls, community centres and more, all in order to bring opportunities to people throughout the region. Please watch our blog and twitter-feed for further information about where we'll be on which Thursday.
  • Finally you can come to Paddock Village Hall on a Thursday 9.30am-12.30pm or on a Friday 9.30am-3.30pm.

Gardening Project Winter break

RIG Allotment project winter break November 2011-February 2012

The RIG allotment Community Gardening Project will take a break from November 2011 to February 2012.

For all inquiries for volunteering opportunities for 2012 please contact 01484 431400.